A REST Web service application ( or client) includes within the HTTP headers and body of a request all of the parameters, context, and data needed by the server-side component to generate a response. RESTWeb服务应用程序(或客户端)在HTTPHeader和请求正文中包括服务器端组件生成响应所需要的所有参数、上下文和数据。
The server has to respond to the request and figure out a response to populate the content-length response header, so you don't save any processing time. 服务器必须对请求进行响应,并构造一个响应来填充内容长度的响应头,因此并不能节省任何处理时间。
In response to a request, it sends a standard HTTP response header, collects readings from the relevant pins, and sends the data package in text format. 为了响应此请求,它发送一个标准的HTTP响应头、从相关管脚收集读数并以文本格式发送数据包。
If the request was a raw HTTP post, simply issue a JSON-encoded response ( you earlier defined the header for the response to use the MIME type text/ javascript). 如果是请求一个原始的HTTPpost,只需要分配一个JSON编码的响应(之前为了使用MINE类型text/javascript,您已经为响应定义了头部)。
Supports HTTP Basic authentication directly, using the Authorization request header and WWW-Authenticate response header. 直接支持HTTP基本认证,使用认证请求头和WWW-认证应答头。